Cathy Pfahl - Secretary
Cathy is a retired librarian who started her library career at Mount Vernon City Library shortly after receiving her Masters in Library Science from the University of Texas and moving to Washington in 1974. She moved from public library work to school libraries, earning a teaching degree along the way. She worked first at LaVenture Middle School for 7 years, and then took a 6-year break when she had her daughter, Annie. She went back to work as a librarian at Burlington-Edison High School Library for 13 years, before moving to Mount Vernon School District again. She was librarian at Mount Vernon High School and Mount Baker Middle School for 21 years, making it a total of 41 years as a librarian when she retired in 2013. That’s a lot of libraries, and a whole lot of books, as well as a couple or three generations of students!
Cathy’s middle name might as well be Librarian, as libraries, reading, books, and all manner of information resources have been her life’s work as well as her avocation. She is passionate about supporting and expanding library resources to our entire community. Being on the Foundation board during the building of the new library is a true joy for her.
Cathy’s middle name might as well be Librarian, as libraries, reading, books, and all manner of information resources have been her life’s work as well as her avocation. She is passionate about supporting and expanding library resources to our entire community. Being on the Foundation board during the building of the new library is a true joy for her.
Do you want to be part of the effort to bring a new library to Mount Vernon? We are always looking for new members!
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