Our Adopt-a-Periodical campaign has been a fantastic success! Seventy-three community members “adopted” specific magazine titles. These adoptions plus some open donations will allow the library to cover a one-year subscription to ninety-eight periodicals, including some new titles not previously offered. The final amount donated was $4,347.00. It is a triumph for the library to have that many people participate in preserving the periodical section. Be sure to take a look at the periodical collection when the library re-opens to see your or your neighbor’s name on magazine shelf labels. Thank you to each of you who donated to this “feel good” project.
The Foundation will hold its annual membership meeting on Monday, January 11 at 5:30. This meeting will be held via ZOOM due to the limitations on public gatherings still expected to be in place in January. The program will include Hal Verrell, Foundation President recapping the year 2020; Isaac Huffman, Library Director, discussing library life under a pandemic and Mayor Jill Boudreau, MV Mayor, giving us an update on the site and financing for the new Library Commons. There will be time for questions and answers. Nomination and election of officers for 2021 will also be held. All members in good standing will receive a ZOOM link a few days before the event. Anyone else interested in being a guest at the meeting should send an email to [email protected].
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February 2025